Transatlantic Cable from Valentia to Newfoundland

The world wide web of communication began when the first Transatlantic Cable was laid from Valentia to Hearts Content in Newfoundland in 1866. By 1902 the world wide web of telecommunication was fully connected when Vancouver and New Zealand were joined by submarine cable.

The technique used in 1866 by these pioneers for laying the transatlantic cable continues to be used today for fibre optic cables. The original structure of the cable is still apparent in todays cables but instead of carrying electrical pulses on copper wires, data is carried at the speed of light on wafer thin fibre optic wires.

The Skellig Coast was a major hub for international communication with multiple lines landing along its shores at cable stations on Valentia, Waterville and Ballinskelligs. The Valentia Island Heritage centre has wonderful displays of the equipment and the history of the Cable station on Valentia. Tech Amerghin in Waterville shows the history of the cable station there.


Daniel O’Connell - ‘The Emancipator’